Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Upcoming book signing, plus article feature in Bicycling magazine!

Normally I would ask my brilliant web master to splash this all over my homepage, but she is on the verge of going into labor any second (good luck Ashley!)so I thought I would do a simple blog post and hope for the best! Upcoming event: Local author showcase at The Bookworm of Edwards Friday, September 7th at 6 p.m. $10 gets you into the event. There will be complimentary appetizers and a cash bar. Come on out! ************************ Also, Bicycling magazine is featuring a workout I put together called "4 Minute Fix for Core" in it's September issue. Pick up a copy and turn to page 20 to see the four moves I created! ************************ And #2 is officially available for pre-sale! The title is Tom Danielson's Core Advantage: Core Strength Routines for Cycling's Winning Edge. Tom Danielson (my co-author and cyclist extraordinaire) just finished up an amazing season by placing 7th at the USA Pro Cycling Challenge. He also won the jersey for "Most Aggressive Rider"