Thursday, November 11, 2010

The best winter cardio workout is.....

Snowshoeing. That's right, the simple act of walking through snow while wearing funny shoes can actually burn lots of calories. For a 150 pound person, snowshoeing burns approximately 500 calories an hour. That comes close to running, which burns about 600 calories an hour. If you add in the intangible joy of swishing through fresh snow, soaking up the gorgeous bucolic surroundings, and chatting it up with a few friends while walking through snow.....well, snowshoeing ranks right up there with the "best of" list of winter cardio exercises.

A good pair of snowshoes can be purchased at a pretty economical price. offers some great options- Tubbs, Atlas, Redfeather, and TSL are all great brands to look at. If you aren't quite up for the investment of snowshoes this season, start with a $20 pair of Yaktrax. These nifty little devices fit directly over your running shoes and give you great traction through the snow. They are not, however, water proof nor nearly as durable as snowshoes.

If you happen to live near a mountainous area, check out for some great snowshoeing events. Nothing will get your heart rate pounding faster than the exhilaration of a 5k or 10k running through fresh powder!

Happy Winter!

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